DataVision launches Electronic School Fee Piggybank – AdaLipa #Kibubu

Let alone adulthood, being a parent is not an easy task when you have to cater for educational requirements of your children on top of other basic needs. With these tough financial times, DataVision International has introduced an electronic school fee piggy bank platform – AdaLipa to enable parents to pay their child’s school fee in instalments via mobile money. AdaLipa allows small fee payment anytime anywhere before the payment deadline via all mobile operators forming an Electronic School Fee Piggy Bank.

AdaLipa is an end-to-end School fee payment solution which allows all levels of academic institutions (Nursery to University Level) to be able to manage all levels within the classes and be able to assign appropriate fee types (Tuition, Transport, Hostel) accordingly.

The platform offers a quick withdrawal of not more than 24 Hrs when moving funds from the AdaLipa #Kibubu account to their bank account within weekdays. The administrator will be offered with a report that provides reconciliations of all the students that have paid and the ones who haven’t.

If you are a parent, suggest a school by clicking here.

If you are a school manager/owner, register your institution by clicking here.

DataVision/ ID Cards at the UMOJA SWITCH meeting

Our 13 Years Financial Cards Journey

Our 20 Years Anniversary Story

DataVision International has been in the consultancy industry since 1998, constantly growing its expertise to other areas ensuring our clients’ objectives are met at all times. We have people who have stayed in the company for over 15 years and they managed to capture a lot of history during the company’s early years – See the documentary below to know more from both the early and the new generation of DataVision International

The whole DataVision Team is looking forward to more innovative and interesting projects in the coming years.

Arusha RC – Mrisho Gambo Embraces TACIP

TACIP Launch In Arusha

We are all over the country

TACIP Launches a New Mobile App

Tanzania Arts and Crafts Identification Project (TACIP) which aims at providing the Tanzanian Artisans and Craftsmen a way to make the most of their talents via Technology has launched a new application on Android today.

The application aims at enabling the artisans and craftsmen in Tanzania be able to promote their products and services and get short term loans via kopafasta as a partner. The application also aims at artisans and craftsmen being able to get updated with new activities and events within the industry.

The TACIP team is now moving to the next phase of enabling even more artists to reach out to the international markets and push their products beyond the Tanzanian territory.