Group Administered Learning Assessment (GALA) Pilot – Tanzania

Since January 2020, DataVision is working to support Room to Read Tanzania to conduct different types of school-based lower grade literacy assessments as part of impact evaluation of the Room to Read Tanzania’s literacy improvement interventions in primary schools across Tanga region.

After completion of our initial training sessions, DataVision Intenational assessors have initiated pilot sessions to put the theory into action, see the pictures below

In July and August 2021, DataVision is working with Room to Read to pilot test an alternative procedure, Group Administrate Learning Assessment (GALA), where classroom-based formative assessment with all children present in the class will be done on a group basis.

DataVision has conducted similar assignments in the past including a World Bank funded Zanzibar Improving Students Prospect (ZISP) in which DataVision applied a mixed set of tools to assess primary and secondary schools students in a classroom-based approach in 2016.

DataVision International manager, Mr. William Kihula pointed out that, “DataVision works hand in hand with a wide range of international organizations to solve pressing issues in developing economies for over 20 years, and this project is no different. We love being part of the change we want to see in our immediate community”