DKT International deploys Data Call Centre to Undertake a Market Research
DataVision has been contracted by DKT International to undertake a National Contraceptive Market Research in Tanzania. The project involves planning, developing a survey instruments and updating the web-based survey system.
With over 15 years of experience in undertaking various Research project, the National Contraceptive Research is going to deploy Data Call Centre. Data Call Centre, established in the year 2010 has been used by a range of client to know what their target audience is thinking by conducting a systematic calling procedure with pre-defined questions.
Among the projects undertaken by Data Call Centre are:
1. National Capitation Grants follow up survey. Under DFID and PMORALG
2. BAE book delivery monitoring survey. Under DFID and PMORALG
3. Listening Dar es Salaam, a series of weekly rapid mobile phone-based surveys to collect information on Dar es Salaam citizens’ perceptions on delivery of public services such as water, education, health, electricity etc. under Twaweza and the World Bank
Same as all other projects, our team has already started conducting the listing approach of the proposed segment in the Dar es Salaam region focusing on Kindondoni, Temeke and Ilala district.
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