DataVision Int’l Launches kopafasta Company

15th April 2019 marked the day when our new sister company – kopafasta was officially launched to the public. The kopafasta company has a mission of bringing the difference in the Micro-loaning industry by reaching the mass that is within the informal sector with no collateral.

Starting with the artisans and craftsmen, kopafasta now assists over 10,000 individual artists across the country using QR Technology. In partnership with the Tanzania Arts and Crafts Identification Project (TACIP), kopafasta provides loans to all the artisans and craftsmen under the TACIP project.

Recently, kopafasta has started provisioning Advanced Salary Loans to the Private Sector security guards. At the launch, Mr. Patrick Kang’ombe pointed out that, “kopafasta is here to change the industry beliefs that a person without collateral cannot be trusted. We aim to prove other financial institutions wrong on that notion”