DataVision International has successfully completed the implementation of the Strengthening Education Systems in East Africa (SESEA) Baseline Survey in the districts of Lindi rural, Kilwa and Nachingwea in Lindi region. SESEA is a five year project co-funded by CIDA and AKF aiming to sustainably improve learning outcomes, with a particular focus on literacy and numeracy, for pre-primary and primary students in target areas of Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania.
The baseline was meant to provide the Aga Khan Foundation the current snapshot of the statistical indicators in line with project targets in the selected districts.
Prior to the field work, DataVision experienced professionals delivered and managed a 10-day supervisors and assessors training workshop in Lindi town, Lindi region. Apart from engaging the trainees in the concepts and methodological approach of the baseline, the training also was used to re-training most of assessors the usage of electronic data entry using tablets in the field. The baseline utilized nationally approved standardized Snapshot of School Management Effectiveness (SSME) and Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) & Early Grade Mathematics Assessment (EGMA) tools.
The training was followed by the fieldwork in the selected sampled pre and primary schools in the selected three districts. During the three weeks that followed, 60 DataVision personnel conducted more than 2700 teachers’ interviews and students’ assessments were conducted in more than 150 pre and primary schools.
After a successful delivery of the fieldwork, a debriefing meeting involving Aga Khan Foundation and DataVision teams was conducted in Lindi town to share experiences and challenges during the field implementation.
Cletus Mkai, Senior Statistical Advisor at DataVision international, thanked their counterparts from Aga Khan Foundation for their cooperation and readiness to assist at all times whenever a situation of such arose. Mr. Mkai also commended the efforts made by respective SESEA district officers who gave the DataVision teams all necessary assistance during the schools visits and related activities.
AKF Programme Manager for Education, Patrick Ngowi, said “I have undistinguished experience in project management and over 30 years vast experience in research. We are used to bring foreign firms here in Tanzania, what I have witness in this assignment is, DataVision is a national company, a company that can deliver to client’s expectations. I am encouraging you to keep that spirit and as far as SESEA is concerned; AKF will always consider DataVision in the future opportunities”.
For her part, The Reveal Karatu, Aga Khan Southern Tanzania Projects Director said “I am very impressed by presence of very young men and women in DataVision teams whom I have observed to be very committed and actively participating in this meeting. I have few words of advice for them. In today’s world, youth tend to look for quick wealth and growth, but let me advise you that is not right way, it has never been. Learn from your seniors here, they will tell you hardwork and patience are the virtue to excellence, so keep up the hardwork you have shown here. I think by working with DataVision, you are on the right path.”
Last year, DataVision collaborated with Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MOEVT) and Prime Minister’s Office Regional Administration and Local Government (PMO-RALG) as well as other local and international stakeholders to adapt, localize and eventually standardize to the Tanzania context the internationally accepted SSME, EGRA and EGMA tools.
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