DataVision launches SMS Mtandao V2.0.0

A motorcyclist’s community adopts SACCOS-Plus solution from DataVision International

Instant Issuance System to be launched this SabaSaba Festival

Shule MIS: Total School Management Package

The survival of academic institutions is highly dependent on the accessibility of the right information at the right place and time for quick action and decision making.

Furthermore, academic institutions are critically faced by the challenge of being able to deliver quality service (knowledge). It is based on the delivery of quality service that they can be sure of realizing the Return On Investment (ROI)

The operational processes in academic institution are quite integrated and being able to have a single application that can capture all these processes and put them under one umbrella is of critical necessity.

Academic institutions need for digitizing their business processes is critical to effectively be able to easily track several factors of the institution over a period of time and have meaningful reports for future action plans and strategy formation.

After an in-depth R&D on the operations of academic institutions, DataVision designed and developed Shule MIS, an application that helps Academic Institutions by capturing all the critical business processes/ operations and achieve their interdependency in one application. With the integration of all business processes, Shule MIS allows seamless flow of data and information between all the processes. Shule MIS which will ultimately be an ERP Suites is meant to achieve a 180° view of the whole entity.

Shule MIS offers managers and owners of academic institutions a chance to have hands-off-eyes-on approach on management by being aware of all the activities that are taking place within the institution.

Payroll Professional: Affordable Payroll Suite for SMEs and Large Organizations

AdaLipa – School Fee Payment Can’t Get Any Easier

DataVision Completes the Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) SESEA Baseline Implementation 2014 in Lindi

Content Manager’s tool towards assured RoI


SMS Mtandao sponsors the “Thamani Yetu Leo” event on the World’s Children Day

Tikiti App to assist the World Bank in the Zanzibar Project