Maximize Customers’ Service Perception with Instant Issuance

Instant Issuance – A software developed DataVision International in collaboration with ID Cards Solutions is continuously assisting institutions to cut cost on the overall Card Management Process by enabling seamless information flow  from the Headquarters to the branches.

With four major modules namely: Administrator, Batch Processor, Card Issuer and Pin Issuer. The system provides the top management an easy approach to see the overall status of all the branches at the fingertips.

Instant Issuance Activity Flow

With the Instant Issuance solution, we have managed to reduce the back and forth movement of our clients’ end consumers by allowing them to get the cards instantly in less than 3 Minutes. Instant Issuance solution enables institutions to maximize end consumers’ perception on the overall service hence boosting retention rate.

The solution has been designed to provide intuitive process flow for all the modules allowing it to be simple and easy to adapt within a short time.

GNLD International deploys SMS Mtandao Messaging Platform

Over 10,000 Cards issued to Yanga and Simba football fans under the TPB Popote Project

ID Cards Solutions/ DataVision International are in a continuing project under the Tanzania Postal Bank’s (TPB) TPB Popote Initiation to issue cards to the loyal fans of Simba SC and Yanga FC. TPB Popote Football Fan Cards are meant to make loyal fans feel more part of the team while be able to make the most of the card by doing transactions, money transfers, money deposits with the same card.

Until now ID Cards Solutions/ DataVision International have already issued over 10,000 Cards to the two teams which are personalized and ready to be used for banking purposes.

To ID Cards/ DataVision this is yet another milestone within the field of Security, Card Personalization and Identification which is facing a range of challenges in the areas of Quality and Data Management.

However with the right experience from working with other banks and related institution on the same lines of work, ID Cards/ DataVision exudes a high level of professionalism and expertise in such projects assuring delivery of the intended product.

DataVision to undertake ICT re-strategizing for NBAA

DataVision International has been contracted by National Board of Accountants and Auditors (NBAA) to undertake re-strategizing of the ICT operations within the Institution by assisting in changing the current manual processes. The consultants from DataVision are supposed to review the whole ICT Policy in the areas of networking and software/ application requirements.

This one year project of assisting NBAA to come up with a computerized ICT Policy and Strategies for academic institutions can boost performance by a substantial margin. With the presence of dis-integrated and manual processes in some of the key departments within the institution. NBAA is looking forward to achieve a fully automated process and a seamless flow of data/ information between different departments with engagement of our expertise in the ICT field.

SMS Banking Assisting MuCoBa’s Information Flow

Tikiti App In Tumbatu Islands

PESP TaZ ( assures accountability and transparency in the Education Sector

DataVision to use technology to uplift TAFCA to a new level

Art plays a major role in identifying who we are. Leaving the high end work of art such as Sculpting, Painting, and many more but how we present ourselves on a daily basis is art. We want people to get the message without even opening our mouths.

DataVision International has seen the impact of Art to our country and we strongly believe that Technology can play a major role in adding value to how art is operated and conducted in Tanzania. On 13th of July at the National Museum in Tanzania, DataVision was invited to a TAFCA stakeholder meeting to show how Technology can change the whole art game from traditional to modern.

The artist and craftsmen in Tanzania have yet to be identified in a well organized manner enabling the stakeholders to know the impact of these people in our country and their contribution in the overall GDP. That being the case, Identification and Enrolling is the first phase to implement by registering Artists and Craftsmen (Using the criteria laid out by TAFCA) in Tanzania and have them stored in a dedicated database which can be accessed online by the stakeholders from anywhere around the world.

By having this, DataVision has plans to enable the artists and craftsmen to have their work known and seen virtually all around the world bringing about awareness of interested parties not only locally but internationally.

A representative from DataVision International, MacLean Geofrey pointed out that, “By first bringing all the artists and craftsmen under one umbrella, they can be able to jointly work towards a common goal using Technology to communicate and pass out information since all of the contacts details were collected during the Identification and Enrolment phase. On top of this, the database will offer TAFCA a good source of real time and reliable reports at their fingertips which can be presented to other stakeholders if needed for decision making, planning and forecasting”. See more by clicking here

See more by clicking here.Art plays a major role in identifying who we are. Leaving the high end work of art such as Sculpting, Painting, and many more but how we present ourselves on a daily basis is art. We want people to get the message without even opening our mouths.

DataVision International has seen the impact of Art to our country and we strongly believe that Technology can play a major role in adding value to how art is operated and conducted in Tanzania. On 13th of July at the National Museum in Tanzania, DataVision was invited to a TAFCA stakeholder meeting to show how Technology can change the whole art game from traditional to modern.

The artist and craftsmen in Tanzania have yet to be identified in a well organized manner enabling the stakeholders to know the impact of these people in our country and their contribution in the overall GDP. That being the case, Identification and Enrolling is the first phase to implement by registering Artists and Craftsmen (Using the criteria laid out by TAFCA) in Tanzania and have them stored in a dedicated database which can be accessed online by the stakeholders from anywhere around the world.

By having this, DataVision has plans to enable the artists and craftsmen to have their work known and seen virtually all around the world bringing about awareness of interested parties not only locally but internationally.

A representative from DataVision International, MacLean Geofrey pointed out that, “By first bringing all the artists and craftsmen under one umbrella, they can be able to jointly work towards a common goal using Technology to communicate and pass out information since all of the contacts details were collected during the Identification and Enrolment phase. On top of this, the database will offer TAFCA a good source of real time and reliable reports at their fingertips which can be presented to other stakeholders if needed for decision making, planning and forecasting”

East African Cables adopts SACCOS Plus

Instant Issuance at SabaSaba Trade Fair

DataVision International and ID Cards Solutions jointly designed and developed the Instant Issuance System to assist institution to issue cards of any sort from a regular ID Card to a Visa Bank Card instantly. Working with financial institutions for over a decade has gaines us the knowledge to exactly know the gaps on how our clients can add value to their final consumers.

One of the major problem in the overall banking industry operations is the time delays between opening an account and issuing the bank card. Clients would wait up to a week to receive their card!! This has led to the conceptualization of the Instant Issuance system, enabling the financial institution to issue cards in less than 3 minutes from the account opening.

Akiba Commercial Ban at SabaSaba

Above image is one of our clients – Akiba Commercial Bank deployed the system at the SabaSaba Trade Fair where the clients registered for new accounts and received their ATM Cards instantly.

DataVision and ID Cards Solutions work hand in hand with financial institutions to assist in the overall Card Personalization and the solution which boost operational efficiency while cutting unnecessary overheads.