Entries by Stefanie Henke

Women at DataVision kicking off a new project

Last week we kicked off a new project “Impact Evaluation of First-Time Parents activity” in collaboration with NORC with an exclusive feminine training. DataVision will evaluate the First-Time Parent (FTP) activity under USAID YouthPower2: Learning and Evaluation. This study involves the collection of quantitative data, specifically in-person surveys of First-Time Mothers (FTMs). In total 1000 […]

Sanitation Survey in Dar es Salaam

DataVision conducted a sanitation survey in collaboration with HafenCity University Hamburg in Germany and BORDA Tanzania in December 2022, in Dar es Salaam. Households and vacuum truck operators in Dar es Salaam were the source of information. This data enables BORDA to determine and evaluate the costs of Faecal Sludge Management (FSM) services, and in […]

A Market Research for Tanzania Commercial Bank (TCB)

DataVision Int. has been contracted by Water.org and Tanzania Commercial Bank (TCB) to conduct a market assessment to understand the WASH market in Tanzania, to identify financing gaps in the supply, delivery, financing model, and distribution for the service providers and consumers in this market in 12 districts in Tanzania Mainland and Zanzibar. In this […]